Guidelines for Submission
01. What is PennScience looking for?
PennScience is currently accepting papers of any length. We are seeking outstanding undergraduate research papers from seminars, senior thesis programs, independent studies, and more.
02. Who should enter a submission?
Students in any field of life or physical science are encouraged to submit their work. Possible disciplinary perspectives include, but are not limited to: Biochemistry, Biological Basis of Behavior, Biology, Biophysics, Chemistry, and Physics and Astronomy.
03. How should I format my paper?
We are not particular about the formatting of submissions because we understand that most of our writers have written their papers according to external formatting guidelines (like for independent study projects). We accept submissions based on the quality of their content with the understanding that specifics of formatting can be discussed once the submission is accepted and editing is under way.
04. When is the deadline?
The submission deadline is on a rolling deadline. Please submit your work to: pennscience@gmail.com. PennScience is a biannual journal that releases two issues each year. If you miss the deadline for this semester's issue, we encourage you to apply for the next semester's issue!
05. Where can I find more information?
For more information, contact us at pennscience@gmail.com or find us on Facebook at www.facebook/pennscience. Feel free to send us drafts still in progress if you want feedback on what direction to take and whether the paper would be appropriate for PennScience. Let us know if you have any more questions or if something isn't clear. We look forward to receiving your submissions!